Thursday, 27 September 2007

Creating a Commons

So the funky people at United Diversity launched a(nother) world changing initiative in January this year. I happened to be at the launch where Josef talked about the Commons Creation.
The idea behind Commons Creation is very simple - if we all pool our resources collectively then we can make much better use of them and our shared knowledge/energy thus work better together to make a betetr world. Founding member Josef's aim has always been to organise and participate in a bio-diesel tour to Spain, taking in all the cool eco- world changing projects and communities and to end up in Buenache, Spain to build a small eco-village.
A group of people known as the Commons Creation Collective have been paying into the Commons Fund since January this year in order to build up the resources and now 8 months on it looks like we are about to acquire some land.
Things are slowly moving forward - if you want to know more about Commons Creation go here.

Monday, 24 September 2007

Break is officially over

So, having had a break (of sorts) over the summer my mind has wandered back to what I can/should be doing next.

After the last screening, Steven from Quaker House emailed to say that he would be interested in doing some joint awareness/cash raising this Autumn.

So, break is officially over!

Am off to do some research and send some mails to people.

Watch this space!